Opportunities Today is a Mumbai-based magazine published since 1971 focusing on tourism, trade and education. We are supported in this mission by RBCS GROUP (www.rbcsgroup.com) – a leader in vocational training and counselling since 1954 – and COMPACT TRAVELS (www.compacttravels.com) – a dynamic and specialist tourism company. We are also the creators of unique destination-specific portals Namaste Argentina, Namaste Croatia, Namaste Egypt, Namaste Germany, Namaste Hungary, Namaste Israel, Namaste New Zealand, Namaste Poland, Namaste Portugal, Namaste South Africa, Namaste Turkey whose objective is to encourage tourism, trade, education and cultural exchange between India and the rest of the world.

With a targeted circulation of 15000 and a readership of over 100000, our magazine extends to a loyal and influential audience comprising of State Officials, members of the Consular Corps of Mumbai and leaders in the Corporate, Education and Tourism sectors. This includes over 1000 copies which are sent to 35 countries around the world. Our readership also extends to members of elite clubs of India such as WIAA, Radio Club and NSCI, as well as trade organizations such as TAAI, TAFI and Skal.

Recent Special Issues of Opportunities Today have included destinations such as Argentina, Germany, Kenya, Spain and Australia. Notably, many of the personalities interviewed by Opportunities Today still rank highly in online searches. As we are first and foremost a training institute, our destination expertise plays a major role in developing content specifically for the Indian market and clarifying any uncertainties or misconceptions.


To equip youth of all ages with ideas, information and inspiration. To develop their total competance and harness their untapped power. To bring greatness and glory to self, the society and the world at large.